Sunday 2 January 2011

Learned Societies

UK expert bodies have a long tradition of promoting innovation across the world. The Royal
Society is a premier international organisations for distinguished scientists whose members, including many Nobel prize winners, have always worked closely with industry to develop knowledge and create the conditions for new technologies and innovative practices.

If you look at the formation 250 years ago luminaries such as Robert Hooke and Christopher Wren married scientific endeavour and real life application to advance science and the uses of sciences. The current fellows are elected on the basis of their scientific success and there has been a movement away from industrial engagement. However the Royal Societies venture funding and the engagement of the society with government and others to promote and support their part of the innovation landscape recognises the importance of high level science.

The Royal Academy of Engineering has played a similar role, and the critical importance of engineering means that the fellows of the Academy are major figures in many companies and as senior academics. The heart of the UK capability in manufacturing and other industries.

A list of the five learned academies in the UK ranging in age from decades to centuries is below. They are independent charitable bodies supporting researchers, influencing policy and engaging with the public.
The Royal Society
The Royal Society of Edinburgh
The Royal Academy of Engineering
British Academy
Academy of Medical Sciences

A sample of five other institutions include :-
Society of Biology
Royal Society of Chemistry
institute of Physics
British Computer Society
Institute of Engineering and Technology

The UK contains some of the oldest and most illustrious institutions and showcase the depth of capability and the underpinning for innovation in the UK. We often see concerns about other countries developing their abilities but with an underpinning of organisations and people together with attractiveness to international excellence the UK is strongly placed to continue as a leading innovative country. Worth noting is how these organisations have not only extended their international activities but engage with other innovation organisations to deliver a coherent UK approach.

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