Wednesday 5 January 2011

Business support from Professional services

This piece deals with underpinning elements that offer frameworks for the development of commercial innovations and is the penultimate note for this Christmas season. Apologies if this sounds like an extended advert for UK capabilities however various overseas visits demonstrate that what we take for granted in the UK is missing or in a poorer state elsewhere in the world.

Looking at a disparate group of companies, organisations and partnerships that provide the professional support and backup for developing business and innovations the common factors are expensive professional groups, deep expertise and complex environments. 
Starting with each the prime area of IP professionals. Patent specialists and trade mark and IP professionals providing the approach and legal steps to protect IP. They also provide a much wider task of identifying conflicting patents and IP that will stymie protection attempts. Delivering the first step in setting up a solid set of intellectual assets that can provide the basis of a fund-able business.
In turn lawyers provide the underpinning of a business and allow the creation and development of the the company as a corporate entity as well as the development of the various property, asset use and employment that support a thriving business.
The final group are in the often overlooked areas of design, marketing and creative services that position and develop markets for innovations. Business may be driven by the ideas and passions of the inventors ignoring market pull and development of opportunities within market segments.

In the best Science Parks, Incubators, Universities technology exchange set ups and through business development arenas we see the inclusion of these various supporting bodies of professionals linked in at an early stage they provide a reality check for those with limited proposals and underpinning for ideas that offer real potential.

Within the UK we have a cadre of experience professionals and commercial entities keen and capable of working with innovative companies of all sizes as well as a stability of regulation and a clear non corrupt system that allow the rule of law not favours to prevail. They play a vital and often overlooked role in supporting highly innovative and fast growing companies whilst supporting the minority of ideas and people that spin out from Universities and the research sectors.

The UK as a major provider of high quality company services and a world centre for the global offering of services is a fantastic place to access expertise. We can also see that the elements for successful companies and for the UK offering as a a stable and comfortable landing ground for inward investments, is a major factor in UK successes.

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